[T3] Russian plugs

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Thu Oct 25 07:47:43 PDT 2012

NGK's have had a very good reputation since they were first 
introduced here in the '70s, but I'd never seen any problem with 
Bosch. So I asked a mechanic I knew who worked on LOTs of cars. His 
response was that he had never had a problem with NGK plugs, but that 
Bosch plugs always worked fine on all the air cooled VWs.

He had enough experience with other brands to feel that if he used 
something like Champions or AC, he would have half a chance of 
finding a bad one if he used them in an 8 cylinder engine.

He seemed to feel that he would occasionally have a problem with 
Bosch plugs in a BMW or some other european car, but never with air 
cooled VWs. 

Nevertheless, when he opened up his own shop, the easiest thing to do 
was to just stock NGK, since that set them up with a single source 
that worked well for everyone.

In case you didn't already know, here's a bit of trivia about NGK 
plugs. At least in the US in the '70s, there was some sort of tarrif 
law that made it advantageous for them to import the plugs in pieces 
and then crimp them together once they were here. So those packages 
said "Made in USA" or "Assembled in USA" on them.

I don't have any NGK plugs here so I don't know if this is still 
true. Maybe one of you can check a current package.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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