[T3] Tight exhaust valves

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Fri Dec 27 19:26:17 PST 2013

> In a message dated 12/27/2013 10:15:32 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> jacob.schroeder at gmail.com writes:
> My thermostat is not installed, but what I did was remove the flaps  from
> the fan housing.  Although not stock, this should not  pose  an overheating
> problem, right?

In spite of the fact that it's "standard practice" in some places, 
removing the thermostat and flaps is always a mistake. It keeps your 
engine from warming up and accelerates wear, as Bob accurately 
pointed out. It does not cause overheating, but it does cause 
underheating. Most people do not realize that your engine has an 
optinum operating temp and it's much warmer than the ambient outdoor 
temp in any place in the world. VW installed the thermostat in all 
their aircooled engines, even those destined for the Sahara.

As for tuning up a '72 FI, only the Bentley has the correct 
instructions. It's complicated, but you have to follow it.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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