[T3] Oil bath filter

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Sat Jul 13 11:53:52 PDT 2013

On 13 Jul 2013 at 13:55, Daniel K. Du Vall wrote:

> First question what year would this have come off of?

> http://volkswageninsanity.us/Postings/FI/IMG_20130713_074527.jpg

> It only has two ports the one on the lid I assume is for the heads but not sure what the one on the air inlet snorkel is for.
> My car is a 72 but does not matter as I am doing the MegaSquirt system on it.

That looks like a '69 air cleaner to me, due to the weighted flap on 
the inlet.

The port on the lid goes to the AAR; the one on the inlet would go to 
the breather, but you have the wrong breather box for that. Keep in 
mind that you MUST be careful about the breather on this, or you'll 
get oil pumped out the rear of the case. Your '72 breather box has 2 
plastic caps on it. Under the small one is a PCV valve that should 
have a hose that connects to a metal tube coming off the front cover 
of the IAD. You will also need the heads with the breather ports on 

Or you can change to the earlier breather box and dipstick tube.

> Second question is there a recommended method of cleaning and what oil to use?

Never allow the upper half to turn upside down. Scrape any dirt off 
it's bottom side. Pour off the old oil from the bottom half; wipe out 
any dirt from the bottom. Refill up to the step with clean engine 
oil. Do this more often in dirty environments, less often if your air 
tends to be clean.

I usually dip a finger into the oil and rub it along the bottom. I 
don't change the oil unless there is 1/16" or more of sludge under 

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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