[T3] BBbbrrrrrr!

Dennis Stiefel dlstiefel at dekalbk12.org
Tue Jan 7 08:02:01 PST 2014

On 6 Jan 2014 at 22:20, Dennis Stiefel wrote:

> We are almost that cold here in north Alabama.  We were around 15 
> above most of the day with wind chills around 0.

Do you realize that's almost 30 degrees warmer than what we had here today?
And it's supposed to get colder tonight. You guys in Michigan 
and NY better get ready; it's comin' your way.   ;-)

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

This morning didn't go so well.  Our school was delayed 2hrs this morning
so by the time I went to start her up it was about 9 degrees.  Had to do a
lot of encouragement but finally got her to run.  Went to back her out of my
little shop at my house and by the time I got out the door the engine
started to bog some gave it some more gas bog some more then shut down. Went
to hit the starter and it would barely turn. Almost like the engine is
trying to lock up.  Tried to hook a jump box to it no difference.  I had to
get to work so I just had to leave it home and drove my truck.  Hope I have
not damaged anything.  Really wish I had not tried to drive her today. 


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