[T3] Starting Problem

Tony Rongey trongey at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 13 15:24:50 PST 2014

This was definitely a case of the seat sinking into the head.  If you look closely at the picture you can still see the seat behind the valve.  The wear pattern looks like it probably started with the seat working loose and wobbling in the hole.  Once it came loose the seat was probably traveling with the valve, but provided enough seal when it closed for the cylinder to keep working.
When I have time I'll pull the valve to see how many ways it failed.  1st priority right now is getting the car back on the road.
'70 Fastback AT/FI

From: Jim Adney <jadney at vwtype3.org>
To: type3 at vwtype3.org 
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [T3] Starting Problem

On 13 Jan 2014 at 7:30, Tony Rongey wrote:

> Hmm.  It was late and I was tired when I put the distrubutor back in. 
> It felt right, but I'll double check that this evening. 

Just grab the rotor and twist it fairly hard. There will be some play 
in the shaft, but you should not be able to turn it any further than 
the spring loaded advance allows. If it's not fully engaged in the 
drive gear it will slip and stop in another location. If that 
happens, loosen the clamp and turn the rotor while pressing down. 
When it reaches the right spot it will drop down almost 1/4", but 
there are other places where it will seem to just catch. Ignore the 
places that just catch.

> PS: Here is the pic of the valve as promised.  You might not want to
> look at this if you just ate and own an old VW. 

> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/trongey/Type3/SunkenValve.jpg 

There are 2 kinds of failures that give these symptoms and both get 
described as valve seat recession. In one case the valve seat 
actually moved down into the head; in the other the seating surface 
wears away drastically. In both cases the valve has to be reset 
frequently, and in large amounts.

Which case did you have?

I had a seat which wore down, but didn't move. I figure that head can 
be saved with a new seat insert.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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