[T3] ZDDP options

Adriel Rowley adriel_rowley at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 16 09:27:02 PST 2014

> Yes your are right in two systems. I was talking about the soot catchers
> they were putting on 3/4 and 1 ton trucks like the Cummins, Duramax and
> Power Stroke (Around the 2006-2011 range). They had a soot filter that burn
> the excess soot by using more fuel to burn it around 1300 degrees F. in this
> component. Then they replaced that with the urea set up after that. I do
> want clean air as well but some of the laws we have do little or nothing for
> that and more to make certain peoples wallet's fat.
Dennis, I forgot about the burn systems! Still used on automotive diesels, 
which I.I.R.C. includes Mercedes. The system I have prefers some heat to clean 
it out, so I wrapped it with lava tape to hold the heat in and reduce under 
hood temperatures. I have some also for the V.W. exhaust if I ever rebuild 
another engine, as thinking it help keep the heat off the rubber bellow that 
will now have to survive in the desert on top of engine heat.

Us young generation have quite an interesting situation to inherit... Bummer
90 percent of the young generation wants to give up even more liberty with
the added benefit of loosing more of their money to bay for it all. 

Thank you so very much!

1971 Sunroof Squareback with F.I. - Located in Coastal San Diego County
1985 Mercedes-Benz 300TD-T - Dog Wgn
Master's Student, A.S.U., living in north central Mesa, AZ 		 	   		  

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