[T3] Rear torsion replacement

Dennis Stiefel dlstiefel at dekalbk12.org
Sun Jan 19 18:21:06 PST 2014

BTW, I installed aftermarket bars as replacments on the front of a 914.
Those lasted about 2 years and then one broke, not due to rust or any
problem under our control. We installed another set and I didn't see any
reason to expect those to last any longer. The OE bars are pre-stressed
making them different for L & R, but the aftermarket folks dodn't bother
with that. I suspect that was part of the problem. There's a lot of science
that goes into making a good torsion bar. The aftermarket parts we got
LOOKED great, but they were junk.  Whatever you do, take good care of the OE
parts that you remove; you may want them back someday.  

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Wow I have been into a few torsion bars on both type 1s and 3s and never
seen them rusted. The things you snow belt guys have to deal with my hat is
off to you.  Of course all these but one were parts cars, BAJAs or in
Clementine's case the body was stripped down and no quarters on it at the
time so yes that hole is not big enough to do the job as I found out several
years ago.

Dennis Stiefel  

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