[T3] One cylinder dead-not firing-#3

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Tue Jan 21 13:39:19 PST 2014

On 21 Jan 2014 at 15:34, John L. Morgan IV wrote:

> Yes, it IS FI.
> Any more posts about this...pics of what to look for?

Check each spark plug wire to make sure it has ~1000 Ohms resistance 
from end to end. There is a resistor in the SP connector that 
eventually goes open. This can kill that cylinder.

You don't want to mess with your FI wiring harness too much in cold 
weather. I don't know where you are, but if it's cold there, you're 
likely to break things because they're brittle. 

In a '70 or later, turn the ignition ON but don't start the engine. 
Go to the back and move the throttle by hand. As you open the 
throttle you should hear a series of clicks. Carefully feel each 
injector as you do this to determine which ones are clicking. They 
operate in pairs: 1&4, 2&3. Depending on the position of the 
distributor, one pair will fire. Make sure that both in that pair are 

Turn the ignition off and advance the engine until the dist rotor has 
turned 180 deg. Turn the ignition back on and repeat the test. The 
OTHER pair should now fire. Now you should have checked all 4. If all 
4 have fired, your injector wiring is good. If one is missing, now 
you know which one to pull the connector off of so you can check the 
wires just above the connector.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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