[T3] One cylinder dead-not firing-#3
Brian Fye
bfye at canyonville.net
Wed Jan 22 13:10:32 PST 2014
Again, for the $1200 price tag, you can put brand new barrels, pistons,
rings, heads, oil pump, clutch, flywheel and oil cooler on your
shortblock. Honestly, there are several shops that do stock longblocks
with new heads that are under the $1200 range.
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Tony Rongey <trongey at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I did that for 3 days. Of course I didn't have enough power to pass a kid
> on a tricycle, but it got me to work.
> A new engine would be awesome, but who has money for that?
> People have been using rebuilt heads ever since the 1st one died. If
> they're done right they'll last as long as new ones - or longer. Just stay
> away from the cheap repop heads.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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Brian Fye
Canyonville Christian Academy
541 839 4401 ext. 110
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