[T3] Battery cables

Don Robertson donrob at yachtsales.com
Thu Dec 3 01:19:36 PST 2015

You can still et pretty good ones in Canada at any Canadian Tire 

At 03:11 AM 03/12/2015, you wrote:
>On 2 Dec 2015 at 23:23, Soren Jacobsen wrote:
> > Perhaps that's what was going on, but it strikes me as a bit unlikely,
> > given that the connection between the clamp and battery post was free of
> > corrosion.  Corrosion was only present on the copper wire strands where
> > the clamp was crimped on, and that corrosion was invisible until I cut
> > the clamp off to investigate.
>The post and OG clamp are both made of lead, which is barely affected
>by the acid. The acid only attacks the copper. It works it's way in
>along the copper/lead interface, eating away at the copper. Note that
>the OG bolt and nut were also special, being lead coated to resist
>being attacked by the acid.
>The OG clamps weren't crimped on, they were cast onto the end of the
>copper cable. It's a superior technique that isn't done any more.
>Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
>Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Don Robertson - (905) 566-0000
3641 Wolfedale Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5C 1V8
Skype: marinemarketplace
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