[T3] Flywheel Question

Jim Adney jadney at VWType3.org
Sat Sep 19 20:03:58 PDT 2015

On 19 Sep 2015 at 21:01, Craigs List wrote:

> So it looks like I need a 12v starter and I need to do some clearancing on
> the bell housing.

Is your car 12 V? If so, this is your best option. Yes, you have to 
clearance the bell housing. There are 4 areas that need attention. 

One good way to figure out what needs removal is to try to install 
the engine and push it against the bell housing while rotating the 
engine. That will leave scratches where metal must be removed. This 
process is covered nicely in the Bill Fisher book: How to Hot Rod the 
Volkswagen Engine.

Another way would be to find a 12 V tranny and take a good look at 
it. It appears that VW didn't change the casting when they went to 
the larger flywheel. They just cut clearance into it.

> I found a picture of someone that had to clearance the bottom of the bell
> housing. Is this the standard area that needs to be ground down?

IIRC, the 4 areas are at the four corners: UR, UL, LR, LL. A 3-5" arc 
in each "corner."

Hint: If you spray WD-40 on your grinder bit periodically, it won't 
load up with bell housing metal.

I just read Daniel's post. Yes, it could already be clearanced for 12 
V. Just look at it; if there are 4 arcs cut into the casting at the 4 
"corners" then it's already clearanced. There should be no machining 
in a 6 V bell housing.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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