[T3] I'm a little confused about the cylinder head temp sonsor
Jim Adney
jadney at VWType3.org
Tue Aug 2 15:29:45 PDT 2016
It's more like black and tan, with the tan ones to the rear. Rear is
toward the rear of the car. Once the engine is warmed up, I don't
think it makes much difference, as the heat of the engine will
vaporize the fuel regardless. It probably makes a bit of difference
at idle on a cold engine, where the wait time can be longer.
For port injection there's no "bad" time to inject, there are just
okay times and better times. Consider the fact that L-jet does TWO
squirts per revolution of the distributor while K-jet just sprays all
the time.
The Bentley manual says black and grey, but the grey has turned
brownish (tan) over the years. The black probably hasn't changed. I
believe the colors were the same for all years. The "set" in your
harness is probably correct.
On 2 Aug 2016 at 13:56, William J wrote:
> On these injector boots . I keep reading gray and black and Black are at the
> rear . My 73 SB always had black aand brown with the brown ones at the rear
> .
> In 2009 I checked from the ECU plug to the injectors to make sure the
> proper plugs were on the proper injectors and at the same time while working
> on it a bit later I replaced the fuel lines so I removed the NOS injectors I
> got in 97 to cut off the short hose to injector crimp and I'm pretty sure I
> put them back where they belong at least both brown are at the rear , what's
> left of a black on is one #1 and no boot on #3 .
> Were boot colors always the same since mine is a NOV 12 73 built date car .
> For arguments sake if I had swapped 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 injector plugs the
> engine wouldn't run very well since the injectors fire in pairs timed to the
> trigger points and cam shaft./ valve opening 1 4 3 2 so 1 & 4 fire then 3 &
> 2 . The cables to the injectors seem to have a set in them and seems to
> only way to know for sure is to check from the ECU plug .
Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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