[T3] Rear Script 1972 Squareback?
Jim Adney
jadney at VWType3.org
Sun Aug 7 19:44:14 PDT 2016
On 5 Aug 2016 at 22:12, Dave Pallo wrote:
> The script on my '72 is angled, and it looks an awful lot like one in the
> jbugs picture.
Dave, are you sure your script is original? It's possible that it got
changed, but it's also seems likely that my impression that the
angled script was different is completely wrong.
My being wrong about this seems to be supported by the fact that that
the parts list doesn't seem to show the script flipping back and
forth between horizontal and angled: There's just one squareback
"Volkswagen" script for '66-9 and another for '70-3, plus one more
for some odd M-codes.
OTOH, it only shows one rear squareback door from '68-on, although
it's a "J" version, so there's clearly been plenty of variety over
the years.
Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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