[T3] Mystery rubber seals
cyberfastback at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 17 17:14:56 PDT 2016
133 is the prefix for Super Beetle parts. Definitely not T3
From: Jim Adney <jadney at VWType3.org>
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [T3] Mystery rubber seals
On 17 Aug 2016 at 22:24, J. Jonik wrote:
> Number is: 133845121B Is that for windshield, or rear window? For
> that matter, is it even for a T-3?
That's a windshield gasket, but not for a type 3. I'm not sure what a
133 number would be for. If you slipped and meant 311 instead of 133,
it's a Type 3 windshield gasket.
Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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