[T3] Mystery Miss

Jim Adney jadney at VWType3.org
Sat May 7 14:31:58 PDT 2016

I've finished making a spark tester that I can use or loan out, for 
people who suspect an intermittent ignition problem. Everything is 
ready to go except I need one of those pickups that went around the 
#1 SP wire for '71 and later cars with the Computer Diagnosis socket.

All I need is the little pickup itself. It's a molded black plastic 
piece that has a hole that you can push a SP wire thru and two 1/8" 
male spade pins sticking out the other end.  

The tester works by flashing an LED every time spark current goes 
thru the wire the sensor is slipped over. It has wires long enough to 
reach easily from the engine to the dash.  

Anyone got one of those sensors they don't want. I'll pay shipping+.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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