[T3] (no subject)

Dave Hall dave at hallvw.clara.co.uk
Fri May 20 16:54:53 PDT 2016

There's a 'how to' on my website at  
http://home.clara.net/hallvw/lockpart.htm .
It was written quite a while ago, but the locks haven't changed!  
I have the code books, but if you're matching to an existing key, it's not
hard to work out what tumblers you need from how deep the notches are.

While the tumblers are the same, the key profile changes, so the barrels
would also have to match the profile of the key you want to use. 

I did find a tumbler kit at a VW show years ago, and rather regret not
getting it, but with a fair few old barrels available, it's just a matter of
finding the right tumblers.

Don't forget to mark the key code on the handle or barrel if you change it,
or a later owner may get very frustrated!

My car had a new tailgate lock fitted by the first owner, so I've always had
2 keys. Some of the early years were supplied that way from new.

UK VW Type 3&4 Club

-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org [mailto:type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org]
On Behalf Of Gary Forsmo
Sent: 20 May 2016 20:12
To: type3-vwtype3.org at lists.vwtype3.org
Subject: [T3] (no subject)

I have

   - two, Door Handles (spares), for '69 Type 3 with (common part #'s),
   with keys, and
   - two (no keys) Rear Hatch "push button" Locks in my "stash" of parts.

Three questions:

   1. Can the two, Rear Hatch Locks be "safely" disassembled and
   reassembled with common tools?
   2. Can the brass "tumblers" in Rear Hatch Locks be altered to match the
   door locks?
   3. Or is this job better left to someone (on the Samba?  Name?) who has
   the skill, talent, key cutter & equipment to make all the locks as a
   "common keyed" set?

It would be a plus if I could get an Ignition Switch keyed to match the
other 3 locks, (R & L door and Rear Hatch) too.
Making everything a "one key" set.

Gary "Frito" - '69 Squareback, FI, MT, One-owner Rockport, TX (winter) Lake
Geneva, WI (summer)
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