[T3] Speedometer Nonsense

Jim Adney jadney at VWType3.org
Sat May 21 07:35:22 PDT 2016

On 21 May 2016 at 7:46, Daniel Nohejl wrote:

> William....I feel like we´ve tried enough cables that we can probably
> safely eliminate it from consideration. Plus, the little bit of cable
> I have left from a busted one isn´t really fit for purpose. 

And yet there is usefulness there. Cut off 6" of the speedo cable and 
save just the inner wire portion. Use that to stick in the speedo and 
twist it with your fingers. If there's any tightness or sticky spots 
anywhere, you've found your problem. It should spin almost completely 
free. The only thing you should feel is the viscosity of the 
oil/grease in there.

Always save that top 6" of speedo cable, because they make great test 
tools. If you accumulate more than one, save to others to give to 
other owners who can use one.

Daniel, I'll look in my stash to see if I have something I can send 
you as a temp.  

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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