[T3] type3-vwtype3.org Digest, Vol 84, Issue 15

Ross G Clarke clarkeross28 at internode.on.net
Sun Sep 24 15:09:47 PDT 2017

Hello all,

I was very interested to read Jim's comments on his Jetta Diesel. I also have purchased a new breed second hand 2006 VW Transporter T5 2.5 turbo diesel LWB. My T25 kombi was a bit small for future trips here in Aussie.

Since doing some repairs/services to the T5 I sometimes wonder (by my standards)  VW's intended design on this van to go faster and yet try and save some MPG!  One has to be an electronic expert on sensors, reset tools and have a workshop with new VW tools for the these new breeds. I am trying to remain positive with the larger T5's  LWB room and comforts such as A/C and bigger 5 cylinder turbo diesel.

In the old days our A/C was a wet towel around the shoulders and all windows down! My main worry then was having a standard 1500 single port motor travelling at 80 kph in temps above 40 deg cel. Never blown a motor,  drove at night if the temp rose above 40 cel.

Still getting into my 1966 Type 3 Fasty (fully standard except for a 12 volt system) and heading down the highway at a speed of 100 kph is the ultimate for me!  Maybe age and an appreciation for a car I can fix anywhere,  any time is exciting to this old timer. We will see, if I break down I'll leave it on the side of the road, hang a sign on it  "free" and catch a plane home!

Good luck with your VW workshop repair/adjustment on the Jetta Jim, I'll be waiting for the results!

Warm Regards,

Ross Clarke (Queensland, Australia)

PS. Like all my cars I'd never sell my old 1982 Kombi bus, its special. Its done 500,000 kms  (rebuilt the motor, gearbox with only minor replacements of parts some 10 years ago).

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