[T3] I've got another question , same one I asked a while back.

Keith Park topnotch at nycap.rr.com
Sat Jul 21 11:46:47 PDT 2018

Jim's idea is the only chance at a real fix, Ive tried every "easy" way
and sometimes they hold around town but once your on the highway for 2 hours
they fail.  Even that copper RTV will blow out, muffler cement is your only
hope if the pipes are too pitted.

Yea, those connections suck!


I understand that this will be  difficult. I use thin alum flashing from
Depot or similar, which you can buy in rolls for a few dollars. Cut strips 
~1/2-3/4" wide and long enough to wrap around the HE pipe once.

Remove the muffler clamp and slide the backing ring and sealing ring 
forward just enough to be able to wrap the alum around the pipe. You may 
need to "stretch" those rings by prying under them with a tiny screwdriver
get them to slide forward all the way against the HE airbox.

Do a test fitting first, then wet everything with water, pack the muffler
in there and slide the alum rearward under the header pipe. You may be 
able to get 2 layers of alum in there, in which case you might be able to
a double length piece. You can also use some ordinary kitchen alum foil 
strips to fill up the last bit of space if there's not enough room for
layer of flashing.

Then apply more muffler cement (muffler putty) onto everything and then 
slide the sealing ring and backing ring over everything. Install the clamp
tighten while the cement is wet. Then let it dry. Follow the instructions on
tube of cement.

Yes, it's a fiddly job, not one of my favorites, but it can usually be done.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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