[T3] excitement on the way home

Keith Park topnotch at nycap.rr.com
Sun Jun 17 19:40:15 PDT 2018

about 2 hours out we were hot, but vital signs were still good considering
the outside temp when 

suddenly there was a bang, clouds of black smoke out the rear of the car,
flames out the exhaust....

it cut out, ran rough, cut out...  bucking bronco... so in went the clutch
and we coasted to a stop under an overpass in the shade....


had fuel pressure, tach moved., so some spark, it cranked OK  THANKFULLY!
but wouldnt quite catch, popped....


Swapped out the pressure sensor (diaphragm ripped?)  that wasnt it, then
pulled the cap. looked OK but 

Knowles, having BTDT grabbed the rotor and it turned on its own....  not
gonna run that way!


Turns out the bracket holding the distributor was bent up about 1/8" above
the engine case and the pawl became

disengaged...   bent it back, nothing broken, got the dist back in, timed,
and it didnt want to start, not even a pop,


NO spark now,  ???  Switched off the Mark 10 and it started up.  I may have
dislodged a wire, thats a problem for another day

but we only lost about 10 minutes but it was a bit worrysome there for a
bit, at this mileage the thought of 

"Going with a Bang" is on my mind with this motor... but not this time


This really shows the power of caravanning, having help in the time of need
and other eyes to look at things.


all is well, no problem with Dave or Knowles cars, were in for the night...
600 mile day tomorrow and were home,



need to decompress...






Topnotch Restorations

topnotch at nycap.rr.com


71 Squareback  "Hothe"
65 Notchback  "El Baja Rojo"

93 RX7  "Redstur"

95 Chrysler Cirrus Lxi "Cirfogsalot"


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