[T3] Bosch plug wire question on coil wire .

Dave Hall dave at hallvw.clara.co.uk
Sat Nov 9 04:24:22 PST 2019

TV/Radio interference maybe?  I would have thought the 1K caps and
suppressed rotor arm should prevent it though.  Carbon fibre leads weren't
very reliable ISTR.

UK VW Type 3&4 Club

-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org <type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org> On
Behalf Of William Jahn
Sent: 09 November 2019 01:27
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Subject: [T3] Bosch plug wire question on coil wire .

>From all the fooling around replacing the points and removing the coil HT
wire from the coil the coil wire is carbon fiber and I lose spark if I touch
it . I used an old Bosch solid core plug wire I kept from an older set cut
it to the proper length stripped the end and used an end from another old
solid core Bosch and crimped it on and used an old cold boot I still had

 Is there any issue using a solid core coil HT lead? The rotor is 5K ohm and
the other plug wires read 1K ohm which is just the plug end resistor.
Seems the coil wire reads 6.6K ohm if I test it yet has an open if I stress
it just a bit.
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