[T3] : Re: Stock engine issue resolved

Keith Park topnotch at nycap.rr.com
Mon Nov 18 16:41:20 PST 2019

YEs, you put me onto a source for the starter motor for mine!
Pull starting the Merc used to be a coming of age test in my family,
but as I get older, its also a coming of age thing, and having an electric
start is wonderful!


-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org [mailto:type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org]
On Behalf Of Gary Forsmo
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2019 12:00 AM
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Subject: [T3] : Re: Stock engine issue resolved

Jim ... and possibly Keith.

Did you remember that I worked at, Kiekaefer Mercury (as it was called from
1939 to somewhere in the early '70's) from 1969 to 1994?

The company name was changed to Mercury Marine when the parent company
(Brunswick) appointed a new division president (Mr. Abernathy). He was a
financial guy tasked with identifying income v. expenses and getting the
"financial house in order".

Following Abernathy was Mr. Jack Reichert, a marketing/sales guy, followed
by Mr. Richard Jordan and Mr. David Jones.

I still know a few people from the design, R & D, engineering,
manufacturing, sales, salt-water testing side of Mercury. But I retired 25
years ago and most of my coworkers are long gone, by now.

I keep in touch with a few people who worked at Lake X, and the Salt-water
Test Bases in Florida.

If there's a specific question that you can pose, I may be able to find an
authority who may know the answer.

Gary "Frito" - '69 Squareback, FI, MT, One-owner
Rockport, TX (winter)
Lake Geneva, WI (summer)
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