[T3] Quick question on oil level.

Keith Park topnotch at nycap.rr.com
Wed Nov 20 16:36:45 PST 2019

Yea, our cars really need to be level to get an accurate oil level reading.


Topnotch Restorations
topnotch at nycap.rr.com
71 Squareback  "Hothe"
65 Notchback  "El Baja Rojo"
93 RX7  "Redstur"
95 Chrysler Cirrus Lxi "Cirfogsalot"
"hanging out at the tail end of the bell
curve, and loving every minute of it!" 
-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org [mailto:type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org]
On Behalf Of William Jahn
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 7:24 PM
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Subject: [T3] Quick question on oil level.

When I changed oil I used to put in 2.5 quarts and didn't check where is
was on the stick. The front of the car is a bit lower than the rear. Last
oil change I did check it and only put in 2.3 quarts like the Bentley
states and it read from what I recall a bit more than 1/8" below the full
mark.  Since I replaced the rear mounts I noticed that sump plate was
leaking a bit since they are a bit thicker gaskets than the stock paper
ones I forgot to check them after a drive because they always need to be
snugged just a bit more then it does not leak. I don't know how much oil I
might have leaked then and realized I only put in 2.3 quarts so I added the
.2 quart figured about what I may have leaked  after I replaced the
mounts.  Add to this replacing the rear mounts raised the engine up about
1/2" , I can see the EMPI quiet pack muffler is this much closer to the
apron so it didn't raise the rear of the engine 1/2" since the muffler is
back quite a bit further than the sump or end of the so called oil pan.

 I keep checking it and it's a bit above the 1/2 quart low mark.

 My question is since the mounts when new would be about where it is now
would you fill it to the top full mark or more like the 1/8th inch below
where 2.5 quarts put it? I just changed the oil not long ago and don't want
to drain it and I don't want to over fill it either. I always fill it in my
garage the floor is level and before this last oil change since I never
checked where it landed on the stick I just filled it with 2.5 quarts when
it got to the 1/2 quart mark I would add 1/2 quart with no issues. Long ago
I used to just pour in 3 quarts. Most of what I read people refer to
makings a fast turn if below the 1/2 quart low mark the pump might draw air
no mention of hard stops or steep uphill or down hill.

 I always wondered because I see T-3's with rears higher than the fronts or
lowered even and all sorts or different setups.

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