[T3] Northern Midwest Invasion Caravan

jadney at vwtype3.org jadney at vwtype3.org
Tue Apr 16 18:32:55 PDT 2024

Is it time to start thinking about our various routes to the NY Invasion? I suspect Richard and 
Mary Spryer will pick Melissa and me up and we'll head down toward Chicago, where we 
should be able to pick up any Chicago folks (Lance?) as well as possible others from further 
west. Some might also meet us there on their way up from St. Louis and points west.

If there are a lot of pickups to be met, we probably won't make it much farther that day. So 
we'll probably pass under Detroit and pick up John and Jill, and possibly others (Henry & 
Gail?) the next day.

I'm guessing that means another night on the road, somewhere between Detroit and 
Ticonderoga. That last day, maybe we can pick up Gail & Dave. Will Keith join us on the way 
or meet us at Ticonderoga?

Consider this a first draft. Nothing is set in stone. Let us know if you'd like to join this caravan 
and where (approx.) you'd hope to join us.

For some reason, I'm remembering the first Invasion, when a bunch, maybe 5-6 of us, 
packed into a single motel room one night somewhere way out west. That would have been 
Russ, Keith, Dave Hall, me... Who am I forgetting? I doubt if we'll ever be doing THAT again.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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