[T3] 2024 Invasion Trip Report

John Jaranson john at carartbyjohn.com
Sat Jun 29 19:34:12 PDT 2024

Day 3 – Thursday June 20th

Thursday was. Pretty quiet day.  It reached 96F in the early afternoon and the humidity was very high.  We spent most of the day just hanging out at the Host Hotel in the outdoor covered seating area. Greeting more Invaders as they rolled in.  There was a welcome thunderstorm that rolled through the area which dropped the humidity and temperatures considerably.  Many of the Invaders driving in hit storms with heavy rain as they were popping up all over the area around Ticonderoga.


Fortunately, by the time we had to head to a local eatery, Eddie’s Restaurant, for the Early-bird Dinner all of the severe weather had rolled through.  We took over a big section of the restaurant as we had 23 Invaders attend the dinner in 12 Type 3 and rental cars.  The Italian food at Eddie’s was excellent and I don’t think anyone left hungry.


Another day wrapped up…

Day 4 – Friday June 21st

Friday is traditionally our free day to explore the local area.  The temps were way down…mid-to upper 70s.  There was still rain on and off throughout the day, but no major storms. After a great breakfast for the second day in a row at the Hot Biscuit Diner across the street from the hotel, many of us made our way down to the Star Trek Original Series Set Tour.  A local along with volunteers has recreated the complete tv studio set from the 60s.  It was very cool.  We had our Federation of Planet flag flying outside our hotel room all weekend.

Jill, Gabby, and I also spent a little bit of time up at historic Fort Ticonderoga in a light but steady rain.  Cool to walk along the fort walls and see the cannons and other historical items.

At 3:30pm, most of us had agreed to meet up for the drive up to the top of Mount Defiance.  It was a very steep, windy, and rough road up to the top, but we all made it without mishap.  Some great views of the Fort and surrounding countryside and a nice preview of what to was to come at the next day at the Invasion as 16 Type 3s made the drive up.  First pic is us staging at the bottom before heading up as a group.  The rest are at the top…

Great line-up of Type 3s at the Fort View Inn for dinner.

Wrapping up the day back at the host hotel…telling plenty of Type 3 stories.

…almost to the big day.  To be continued…

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