[T3] More on the 71 ignition switch.

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Tue Jun 14 20:06:15 PDT 2011

On 14 Jun 2011 at 16:52, Marklist wrote:

> How do I remove the tumbler without the key?

Every year is slightly different, and the Bentley doesn't cover all 
the years completely accurately. I'm not sure what the exact 
proceedure is for the '71 tumbler, but you really don't have to worry 
about that. You only need to remove the switch.  

To remove the switch, unscrew the tiny screw that you can see on one 
side of the grey cylinder, then pull the switch out the back. I think 
all years work pretty much the same.  

If you still want to remove the tumbler, look for a hole in the side 
of the grey cylinder, about 1" back from the front. Press in that 
hole with a nail, or something similar; you should feel that you're 
depressing a spring about 1-2 mm. While the spring is depressed, pry 
the tumbler out. Once the tumbler has moved mayby 3 mm, you don't 
have to keep depressing the spring.  

Some cylinders don't have that hole. In that case, I think the 
Bentley shows where you should drill your own hole.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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