[T3] 034 on Squareback

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Tue Jan 21 08:31:41 PST 2014

On 21 Jan 2014 at 7:44, Brian Fye wrote:

> I run 009 and 050 units on my type 3s.  I have never found any evidence
> that #3 is worse off.  I believe that having your tin without the foam
> around the cooler is a bigger issue.

Good point. The OG foam has all disintegrated by now. If it's left 
out, there's a large space above the oil cooler where air can slip by 
and escape without doing any cooling at all. Quite a few years ago I 
found a good foam substitute that holds up better than the OG stuff. 
I have a supply of it and can make replacements for engines where it 
is missing.

I have a Service Bulletin from Robert Bosch, dated March 1966, that 
describes which VW distributors were made with the retarded #3 cam 
lobe. The bulletin seems to imply that this is somewhat new, as of 
this date. The retardation is 2 dist degrees, or 4 crankshaft 
degrees. The affected distributors were:

0 237 137 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 012, 014

0 231 147 002, 006, 007

I'm afraid I don't have any later Bosch info on this. It's probably 
worth mentioning that Gene Berg mentions in one of his writeups that 
he's never come across a VW distributor with the retarded #3 cam 
lobe, so it's clear that it wasn't done universally.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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