[T3] Heads are toast, rebuild time

Dave Hall dave at hallvw.clara.co.uk
Fri Jan 31 04:55:48 PST 2014

I guess it's reassuring to deliver and collect personally, but would it cost
a lot to use a delivery company? 

UK VW Type 3&4 Club

-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org
[mailto:type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org] On Behalf Of Jacob Adam
Sent: 30 January 2014 16:35
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Subject: Re: [T3] Heads are toast, rebuild time

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 7:22 AM, Jim Adney <jadney at vwtype3.org> wrote:

> Were you the one who said he had some correct OG heads and that this 
> car was a '73? If so, this would be a good time to get them freshened 
> up and ready to install, regardless.
That is correct except I have a '72.  The heads currently on the engine are
Brazilian universal heads (with the tap for FI).  I have 3 sets of OG '72
heads.  Although, I just noticed last night that of the 3 sets, I have 4
heads with a FI sensor tap (same casting # too), and 2 without -- so it
looks like I have 4 3/4 heads and 2 1/2 heads.  So long as I have a FI
sensor tap on the correct side, the heads are interchangeable left for
right, correct?

Now is the time to get those freshened up.  I have received a referral for a
great VW machine shop north of Sacramento.  I just wish there was one closer
to San Jose that did quality work so I don't have to take a day off work to
drive up to Sacramento twice.

> > The last time I checked, I had 14 volts at idle at the battery and 
> > maybe
> > 14.2 at mid/high RPM.  I could not get it any higher even with 
> > increasing revs.  I have not done anything to the generator since I 
> > took it from the old engine and put it on the new one in 1997.
> The voltage at idle is irrelevant, but the 14.2 V indicates that your 
> charging system is working nicely, assuming you would still get that 
> same number today.
Great.  That measurement was this past fall (~ 3 months ago).  I can check
again, but I don't suspect it to have changed drastically.
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