[T3] pop-out windows on a fastback

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Fri Jan 10 09:42:45 PST 2014

On 10 Jan 2014 at 11:51, alluringeyewear at comcast.net wrote:

> Hello al! I would like to install pop-outs on my '73 fastback. I have
> the complete assemblies but have no idea how they mount up behind the
> doors. The back side of my car, rear, has three holes to mount up the
> pop out hinge, I cannot find anything on the fixed hinge side. Do I
> need to weld in a new "C" pillar? Does anyone have any photos or
> suggestions? 

The microfilm shows those rear screws to be self tapping (sheet 
metal) screws, not machine screws. That's also what I have with a set 
of fasty popout latches that I have here, so I don't think there's 
any need to replace the C pillar.

As far as the B pillar, "hinge" end goes, I don't remember what goes 
on there in the fasty, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't need as much 
modification as on a square or notch. Just make sure you have all the 
parts you need to anchor that end. ISTR that there are a few small 
bits in there that can tend to be overlooked or lost, but I've only 
been in there, on a fasty, once, and that was a long time ago.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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