[T3] Fi Heads

Adam Douglass one4house at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 30 15:04:02 PST 2014


I will look it over this weekend. As of right now, a cold front moved in. I don't want to worry about it.

I have also decided to quit perusing the car with the workable FI system. My car is running great right now, and I see no reason to screw it up with trying to change an already working system. FI will have to be another project for another day.


On Thursday, January 30, 2014 3:59 PM, Jim Adney <jadney at vwtype3.org> wrote:
On 30 Jan 2014 at 11:51, Adam Douglass wrote:

> I am reading over the discussion about heads. Do FI motors have special FI heads? 
> I am assuming, being that my car has a GEX rebuild and not the original engine, that my heads are not FI heads. How can I tell? 

The FI engines have a tapped temp sensor boss near the #4 spark plug. 
Type 3 engines also do NOT have the dowel between the intake ports 
that dual port Beetle engines have.

'72-3 Type 3 FI engines also came with breather ports into the rocker 
boxes, near the #3 &2 spark plugs. I don't think Beetle engines ever 
got those breathers. Those heads are hard to find.

If your GEX engine is carbed, it most likely has either beetle heads 
or 68-71 Type 3 FI heads, but nothing is certain until you look at 
them and see what features they have. The VW part # (if they are VW 
parts) doesn't tell you anything, because that's just the casting 
number, and VW could have made any head from that casting.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA


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