[T3] Fi Heads

Dennis Stiefel dlstiefel at dekalbk12.org
Thu Jan 30 19:46:52 PST 2014

-----Original Message-----

'72-3 Type 3 FI engines also came with breather ports into the rocker boxes,
near the #3 &2 spark plugs. I don't think Beetle engines ever got those
breathers. Those heads are hard to find.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Don't know if it's true but when I was on the search for my heads I was told
that the 75 and later FI beetles had heads like 72-3 type 3s. But they are
hard to find as well since you don't see a whole lot of FI bugs.

Dennis Stiefel   

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