[T3] Bad day at the (FI) office

Keith Park topnotch at nycap.rr.com
Mon Apr 11 16:26:05 PDT 2016

yea, THAT Switch I wouldnt have.
I believe the FI, at least the later versions were designed to cut out when
the CHTS opens up, when that connection opens up it doesn't just choke, its
like turning the key off...  had this happen with the last one I used
probably 10 years ago.


Topnotch Restorations
topnotch at nycap.rr.com
71 Squareback  "Hothe"
65 Notchback  "El Baja Rojo"
93 RX7  "Redstur"
87 Golf  "Winterat"
-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org [mailto:type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org]
On Behalf Of Jim Adney
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2016 10:51 PM
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Subject: Re: [T3] Bad day at the (FI) office

On 10 Apr 2016 at 19:08, Keith Park wrote:

> have your checked your fuel pressure when it acts up?  Remember way back
> when when I had that pressure regulator go bad it spiked the pressure and
> would flood on startup, but I was always still able to start it on all 4
> after holding the throttle wide open for a bit and it never hydrolocked.

That's a possibility, but I doubt if that's it. Still, I'll check the 
pressure when I get into it.

> The 73 will not run without a head temp sensor, neither will the 71, I
> THINK the 69 will but I can say that for sure.  Open CHTS will shut off
> injection.

Hmmm, I would have thought that it would run, but maybe it gets so 
rich it just can't run. I can check that someday. That's not a big 

> You need a simple SPDT switch?  Ill have to look in my box of switches, I
> may have some of these.

No, it's a 3 position switch, OFF/NORM/(ON), where the (ON) is 
momentary, and NORMAL and ON are different outputs. You're not likely 
to have one. In reality, it's a double pole switch, 2 switches side 
by side with different actions, like this:  


Yeah, took some effort to find....

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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