[T3] on a 73 T-3 built on 02/ 73 how can I tell if the PCV valve works well enough to vent proper?

Jim Adney jadney at VWType3.org
Sat May 14 23:44:51 PDT 2016

For an engine that's been in use this long since a rebuild, it sounds 
pretty normal.

On 14 May 2016 at 15:49, William J wrote:

> I checked it not long ago and at idle I can see the plastic disc is very close to closed and if I bring up the idle just a bit it opens some , bring up the RPM more and it opens more. 
>  I ask because it seems to leak oil and mostly on the left side . I don't see oil at the cooler seals and I did clean the cooler well before the rebuild in 97 and didn't see any cooler leaks . I also made certain the two relief valves were not stuck and never over filled the oil . I see oil on both sides mostly on the lower shields between the case and heat exchangers and a bit on a few push rod seals . On the left I see it on the large cooling shields that fit around the cylinders to the block . It's not pouring out just drips here and there . I cannot find a PCV valve on earth and do not know of one that would even work if that is even the problem. I imagine just the fan alone blows any oil everywhere plus the torque convertor blades. 

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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