[T3] injector connection

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Sat May 27 21:27:24 PDT 2017

On 27 May 2017 at 22:14, dlstiefel wrote:

> Got to checking everything and turn out the terminal connector on the
> number 1 injector had backed out just enough to loose connection. I
> pushed it in and life was great agin un till today and it's starting
> to back out agin. 

If it was just one pin out of the pair that was backing out of the 
plastic connector body, you need to pull the pin all the way out, 
then squeeze the curled parts in a bit so it will be tighter on the 
male pin, then find the little locking tab, bend it a bit farther 
out, and then reinsert it until you hear it click and lock. If you 
put in in upside down, it will never click, so turn it over and try 
the other way.  

If it was the whole connector, with both pins, that backed out, check 
to make sure that the cable isn't a bit tight, so that it pulls on 
the connector as the engine moves around when the car is in motion. 
It may also be necessary to remove each pin from the connector body 
and tighten them so they grip the male pins tightly.

The boots would certainly help, but if the pins are tight and the 
cable is loose, the problem you're having won't happen. There are 
lots of cars out here running just fine without those boots.

Having the female pins be slightly loosie on the male pins is a 
common problem, sometimes caused by too many connect/disconnect 
cycles, and sometimes caused by Bosch making later replacement 
injectors with thinner male pins. Either way, this needs to be fixed, 
as it will cause poor running.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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