[T3] 2026 Invasion!!!

Keith Park topnotch at nycap.rr.com
Wed Jul 3 20:27:52 PDT 2024

Im already looking forward to it!  Be a nice trip out there, haven’t been up
that way sine 98 and finally I can be in a caravan again!


Topnotch Restorations
topnotch at nycap.rr.com
71 Squareback  “Hothe”
65 Notchback  “El Baja Rojo”
93 RX7  “Redstur”
13 Subaru Outback "Blendin"

-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org <type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org> On
Behalf Of John Jaranson
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 10:07 PM
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Subject: [T3] 2026 Invasion!!!

Now that I have completed the trip report for the 2024 Invasion....

It is time to start thinking about 2026.  Fortunately, we have some willing
hosts in an area of the country that we have not held an Invasion before.


That's right.  We will be invading Eau Claire, WI in the summer of 2026.
Exact location and dates are still TBD and are likely to be for a little bit
still, but our local hosts Richard & Mary Spryer are already scoping things
out and starting to put a plan together.

I will be creating a thread on here and updating updating the Invasion
Facebook page and website as we get more details ironed out.

You all have about 24 months to get your cars ready and make plans.  I know
I now have a personal goal to get my Lead Sled project to this one since
there won't be another this close for awhile and I am retiring at the end of
the year so there are no more excuses.

See everyone there.

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