[T3] 2026 Invasion!!!

Jeff Palmer w.jeff.palmer at icloud.com
Wed Jul 3 19:11:16 PDT 2024

I can almost see Eau Claire from here!!
Jeff in Winnipeg 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 3, 2024, at 9:07 PM, John Jaranson <john at carartbyjohn.com> wrote:
> Now that I have completed the trip report for the 2024 Invasion....
> It is time to start thinking about 2026.  Fortunately, we have some willing hosts in an area of the country that we have not held an Invasion before.
> https://www.carartbyjohn.com/2026Invasion/2026InvasionTeaserPhoto.jpg
> That's right.  We will be invading Eau Claire, WI in the summer of 2026.  Exact location and dates are still TBD and are likely to be for a little bit still, but our local hosts Richard & Mary Spryer are already scoping things out and starting to put a plan together.
> I will be creating a thread on here and updating updating the Invasion Facebook page and website as we get more details ironed out.
> You all have about 24 months to get your cars ready and make plans.  I know I now have a personal goal to get my Lead Sled project to this one since there won't be another this close for awhile and I am retiring at the end of the year so there are no more excuses.
> See everyone there.
> John
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