[T3] 2024 Invasion Trip Reports...

John Jaranson john at carartbyjohn.com
Fri Jun 21 03:13:16 PDT 2024

Continuing....(hit send accidently on my phone)

One brief downpour as thunderstorms rolled through, but it brought welcome relief from the heat which Keith said got up to 96F!  Looks like it is going to be in upper 70s/low 80s the rest of the weekend. It is still humid but the lower temps will be great.

Friday is our free day so.  Some of us are going to the Star Trek recreation in town and then Fort Ticonderoga and drive up Mount Defiance this afternoon.

Safe travels to all that are still making their way to the Invasion.

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From: type3-vwtype3.org <type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org> on behalf of John Jaranson <john at carartbyjohn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 12:26:03 AM
To: Type3 at vwtype3.org <type3 at vwtype3.org>
Subject: [T3] 2024 Invasion Trip Reports...

And then there were three.  We caught up to Richard and Mary Heck Spryer in Erie, PA.  Sophy and Jill's Ghia both ran great. No issues with the A/C on Jill's car.  We picked up Jill's co-pilot, our niece Gabby, in Temperance, MI before making the push to Erie. Had one heavy down pour as we rolled through Toledo but it only lasted a few minutes.  Otherwise the weather was surprisingly tolerable from a heat standpoint and the traffic was light.  Both cars are getting right around 28 mpg. About 7 hours of driving tomorrow to get to Ticonderoga. Will see how early we get going in the morning.

Safe travels to all the other Invaders.

Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device
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