[T3] 2024 Invasion Trip Report

Keith Park topnotch at nycap.rr.com
Fri Jun 28 18:40:34 PDT 2024

Thanks for the writeup, glad your home safe and sound.


Topnotch Restorations
topnotch at nycap.rr.com
71 Squareback  “Hothe”
65 Notchback  “El Baja Rojo”
93 RX7  “Redstur”
13 Subaru Outback "Blendin"

-----Original Message-----
From: type3-vwtype3.org <type3-vwtype3.org-bounces at lists.vwtype3.org> On
Behalf Of John Jaranson
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2024 9:19 PM
To: type3 at vwtype3.org
Subject: [T3] 2024 Invasion Trip Report

The 2024 Type 3 Invasion is in the books.

Twenty-three (23) Type 3s invaded Ticonderoga, NY last week.  We had all 4
body styles represented.  We had 45 Invaders attend the Saturday night
dinner.  We raised $1087 for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Capital
District through the silent auction and the T-Shirt and sticker sales.

Invasion award winners were:

Favorite Early –65 Notch - Lyndon Thenhaus

Favorite Late –71 Fastback – Marion & Peg McDonald

Youngest –73 Fastback – Anthony (NJ).  Sorry I didn’t catch your last name

Oldest – 65 Squareback (The Crate) – Sean Bartnik

Lightest – 72 Squareback “Elwood” – Gail & Dave Pallo

Darkest – 69 Panel Squareback – Henry Verrydt & Gail Lawrence

Long Distance – 70 Squareback – Aiden Eckert (Liam and Chester – co-pilots).
Drove the Type 3 all the way from Midland, MI, right around 800 miles

Artist’s Choice – 66 Squareback – Lucas Sheehan

Host Choice - 65 Squareback (The Crate) – Sean Bartnik

Invader’s Choice - 65 Squareback (The Crate) – Sean Bartnik

Hard Luck – Richard & Mary Spryer (Toyota Tundra tow vehicle).  They cooked
the brakes coming into Ticonderoga and had to drive over to Vermont to the
nearest Toyota dealer to get it repaired for the drive home.  Fortunately
there no issues with any of the Type 3s that made the trip to the Invasion
this year.

Host Award – Keith Park

Russ Wolfe Memorial – Greg Merritt.  Even though Greg was not in attendance
at this year’s Invasion, he is a worthy recipient of the Russ Wolfe Memorial
Award which we give out to someone that has made a significant contribution
to the Type 3 Community.  Greg started the vwtype3.org listserve way back
before the first Invasion in 2002.  It provided a place for the Type 3
owners and enthusiasts to share information, ask questions, and be part of a
community of like-minded folks.  It was in this email community that the
idea for the Type 3 Invasion was born.  We wouldn’t be just wrapping up our
11th Invasion in 22 years without Greg’s efforts to bring us all together in
the early days of the internet.

Will be posting more about our drive out and back and Invasion experience in
a separate post.


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