[T3] Battery Install, Oil Change & Brake Fluid Reservoir

Gary Forsmo gbforsmo at gmail.com
Mon May 13 09:50:11 PDT 2024

Boy-O-boy  .... searching on the Internet, they sure don't make it easy, do

The liquid quantities & prices for DOT 5 seem to be all over the map.
The lowest is $6.42 for 11oz.
The highest is $124.95 for 1 gallon.

Searching for GE or Dow Chemical, as a manufacturer of DOT 5, seems to be
elusive.  But I'm not the most capable  "researcher", either.

On Sun, May 12, 2024, 10:58 PM <jadney at vwtype3.org> wrote:

> On 12 May 2024 at 17:44, Gary Forsmo wrote:
> > Are *all* brands of 100% Silicone DOT 5 Brake Fluid the same quality &
> > compatible with each other?
> Yes, to the best of my knowledge. There may be many brands, but there are
> only 2
> manufacturers, GE & Dow Corning. Don't be fooled by DoT 5.1 or 5.2. Only
> DoT 5 is silicone.
> > The prices seem to be very different.
> That surprises me. I haven't looked at prices recently but they used to be
> about $25 per
> quart. There are also small bottles available, for motorcycles.
> --
> *******************************
> Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
> Madison, Wisconsin, USA
> *******************************
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