[T3] Battery Install, Oil Change & Brake Fluid Reservoir

Jim Adney jadney at vwtype3.org
Mon May 13 11:47:51 PDT 2024

On 13 May 2024 at 11:50, Gary Forsmo wrote:

> The liquid quantities & prices for DOT 5 seem to be all over the map. The
> lowest is $6.42 for 11oz. The highest is $124.95 for 1 gallon.

The 11 oz bottle would be fine for you, if you only need topping up 
quantities. If you pull the master, that might still be enough, depending on 
where the leak is.

> Searching for GE or Dow Chemical, as a manufacturer of DOT 5, seems to be
> elusive.  But I'm not the most capable  "researcher", either.

I'm not sure how one might confirm that fact. It was something I learned over 
the years of researching DoT-5.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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