[T3] type3-vwtype3.org Digest, Vol 154, Issue 4

jadney at vwtype3.org jadney at vwtype3.org
Fri Sep 8 22:04:01 PDT 2023

On 8 Sep 2023 at 21:51, atirella wrote:

> Not sure if thus will reach the admin team, but beginning with the 1st message
> in this newsletter, and continuing right through to the end of the last message
> every word is followed by a question mark.  I think that's pretty strange and
> something that hasn't happened before. Makes it hard to read.
> Haven't checked my laptop or phone but this is on my Amazon Fire tablet.  You
> might be able to see it if you scroll down.

First, while I see the ?s in the message you quoted, they weren't there in the message I 
received on my end. I agree that they make the message incredibly hard to read. Check your 
other devices to see if they have the same problem. It seems likely that the problem is in your 

Second, when you choose to subscribe to the digest, you REALLY need to take care when 
sending replies. You may have noticed that your reply came with the digest listed as the 
Subject, not the Subject of any of the messages in the digest. This makes following list 
threads impossible.

Frankly, there's not enough traffic on the VW Type 3 email list to make a digest useful. It just 
gets in the way. Everyone here is better off just receiving each message individually, and 
your replies will make more sense.

And, welcome to the Type 3 email list.

Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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