[T3] Oil change

Gary Forsmo gbforsmo at gmail.com
Tue May 7 11:46:03 PDT 2024

All good and valuable points, Jim.

1.)  The most expensive oil is still much less expensive than rebuilding an

2.)  My "assistant" is a long-time,  mechanically knowledgeable "wrench".
But I will insist on him using the proper, short-handled, metric socket or
box-end wrench.  No need to use gorilla force on the 6 nuts.

3.)  Reusing the old gasket.  "Why not", indeed.
The older I get the more environmentally conscious I become.  😀

4.)  Filter screen holes.  I've had to "round out" those 6 holes on the
aluminum a time or two in the past.

VW possibly could have used a more suitable alloy material, couldn't they?
Ah ... but material cost would have added to the cost of buying the car at

In my previous life, the people who were responsible for procuring small
items, were always negotiating to save a 10th of a penny.  When you're
buying tens-of- thousands of an item, every penny saved, counts.

I think we've hammered this subject enough ... again.

On Mon, May 6, 2024, 11:38 PM <jadney at vwtype3.org> wrote:

> On 6 May 2024 at 13:09, Gary Forsmo wrote:
> > The first is about the lack of ZDDP in modern engine oils. While I was
> > skeptical about this at first, I'm now convinced that the problem is REAL
> > *What changed your mind?*.
> Just a preponderance of what I hear from the VW community, as well as from
> the larger
> automotive crowd. Also, the machinist at my favority FLAPS confirms it.
> > The second is that you need to be careful about torquing the nuts.
> > *It's a "feel thing".  Some people have it; some don't.*
> True, so don't give your assistant a long handled wrench to tighten those
> nuts.
> > *Jim ... Why do you reuse the old gaskets rather than new, if they're not
> > damaged?*
> Why not? If the old one is perfectly good, it doesn't need to become part
> of our waste stream.
> As one of my friends once put it, "I hate waste," and it's wasteful to
> replace something that's
> still good. I reuse old parts whenever possible, as long as I'm certain
> that they will continue to
> serve their function well.
> And keep in mind that newer is almost never as good as the original.
> One more oil change thing: After many years of use, the 6 holes around the
> edge of the filter
> screen will be peened inwards, making the holes slightly smaller. This
> makes the screen
> difficult to remove. I use a tapered hand reamer to make those holes
> slightly larger. It's not
> something that needs to be redone often, but it makes for a big
> improvement in getting the
> screen out.
> --
> *******************************
> Jim Adney, jadney at vwtype3.org
> Madison, Wisconsin, USA
> *******************************
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